i took a ton of pictures today. probably at least 200 maybe more before the battery died on my camera. so i'm sitting here uploading all sorts of pictures to my facebook page and my flickr page and all the sudden my computer shuts off my browser. grrrr.... some kind of security feature. guess i really had the data flying. so now i have to figure out where the downloads left off and pick and choose the pictures again. i've said it before, i'll say it again. can't i just make pots!??!!
some good news today though! i got the number for a lady who has a daycare in her house from a friend. i gave her a call today and she's going to be watching all 3 kiddos all day on thursdays! more studio time for me! yeah! plus my husband takes the kids for one full day on the weekends so that's 2 full days for me to make pots! no computers. no cameras. just clay. woo-hoo! now lets just hope kylie cooperates and doesn't have a complete and total meltdown.
if it works out and i decide i want more time she can take them for a 2nd day, but not sure if i'll do that or not. my kiln is only so big and the spinny thing in the electric meter spins like the tazmanian devil when i've got my kiln going. the electric company probably thinks i'm growing pot or something.
so now i'm off to re-upload my pictures. check 'em out and let me know what you think!
Greek Yogurt Scalloped Potatoes
Greek Yogurt Scalloped potatoes
5 medium to large potatoes, peeled, sliced thin on mandolin
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 shallot, chopped fine
2 garl...